This is a handy device that makes watering your lawn easier
Kinks-It attached anywhere on your hose that’s convenient
Extend enough hose to water that area to be reached by the sprinkler
Clamp Kinks-It on the hose in-line with the side holes on device, give a slight squeeze to lock it
Set it on a hard Surface like a deck, driveway or patio
With the water running simply step on this device (green pedal) as hard as necessary to shut water off, You’ll hear a clicking sound
Move sprinkler to new location, return to Kinks-It and step on yellow pedal. Device will now pop open, but remain clamped to hose. Water will again flow fully.
It will not ruin your hose and will never be placed in the same area on hose twice
It’s location on hose cahnges with every use
To remove: Sequeze yellow pedal to top of green hinged option portion and open